Tag: Best Practices

The Finish Line

Americans love to compete, to keep score, to celebrate accomplishments, and most of all, to cross the finish line. This year has provided opportunities to celebrate many accomplishments: The first black President; the first Latina supreme Court Justice; the first black female CEO of a Fortune 500 company; and the list goes on.

Retrospection Shaping Our Vision

It has been nearly 25 years since Dr. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. created the American Institute for Managing Diversity. At the time, few corporations and first-time diversity practitioners could articulate with clarity what requirements would be needed to produce a successful diversity strategy.

Best Practice Advice for Global Diversity & Inclusion Leaders

Global corporate diversity programs have ceased to be a new phenomenon. Many companies have been applying diversity and inclusion concepts in their operations around the world for a number of years now, and much has been learned since early, naive attempts to simply export American-style programs to other regions.

Cracking The New and Improved 21st Century Glass Ceiling

On April 12, we were once again reminded of Equal Pay Day. According to the National Women’s Law Center, American women who work full-time, year-round are paid only 77 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts.

A Seat at the Table

I see life as a menu of opportunities: opportunity to learn, contribute, have fun, build, add value, and create a legacy. This is how I first encountered diversity as a people practice.

How To Handle White Middle-Managers

In nearly 20 years of work as a labor and employment lawyer in a multi-national law firm and as the Chairman of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), nothing has proven more challenging than convincing white, male middle-management why diversity matters.

White Males Are Part of Diversity, Too!

How do you encourage white, male middle-managers to become more involved in diversity-related programs and help them understand that diversity is also about them?

Leading Diversity & Inclusion Transformation

By Tisa JacksonVice President of Diversity and Inclusion, Union Bank, N.A Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others? Do not say you will do it ‘someday,’ now is the time. Do not say ‘someone’ will do it, you are the one…” These words… Read the full article

Four T’s to Deal with Diversity

The main effect of organisational diversity remains an unresolved issue for many academics. In academic research, we find positive outcomes of diversity like innovation, creativity, quick problem resolutions and others.

Best Practices for Recruitment and Retention Start with Corporate Culture

There is an interesting phenomenon going on in American workplaces today. Despite national unemployment levels at five-year highs, top talent is leaving our organizations en masse.